How to use time effectively?
Use of time with full awareness leads to a successful life. Take instant actions rather than thinking about the work again and again.
Don’t let vanish from your consciousness that Time is immensely precious. Avoid your indulgence which distracts you from your goal. Enlist all your distractions and get rid of them.
All aspects of life are important. Do everything which makes you happy. But it should be time-bound. Prioritize your work and make a to-do list. Spending time with family and friends is very important for a holistic life. But you cannot spend a whole day with friends and do nothing.
Always take a break after an intensive work slot. Use your time with full awareness. Know yourself and get control of yourself so that no one can distract you. You will be more focused if you know your task and schedule very well. If you are focused success is guaranteed.